Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cancer Inside My Nose?

Japan's nuclear crisis. "" Off "to a civilization? By Koldo Aldai

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 24:32 PDT
Our friend and contributor to the blog Spirituality and Politics Koldo Aldai , has written a wonderful article about the critical moment that we are living. As Koldo says: "Before the crucial debate on the type of energy, will require pre-and seriously ask the meaning of so much of that energy, so many products and services movements are useless to humans. "Private consumption (desires facts demand) and credit are the real keys to the economy, which is in a systemic crisis, global, ; change will come, therefore, when you break the chain I want / need / demand. And that is a change of values, a change of consciousness . What we need new leaders, ideas, and reflections such as this article :

not occur to us waving the "we had already been warned!". First of all we are one humanity sister more than ever in pain, bound also to explore new futures, new and collective paths, now finally with the sun, next to air, beside the tides and the life. Not occur to us to make us the "known" because there are 180 heroes who probably did believe in nuclear energy and now are giving their lives to save many others.

Already a before and after Fukushima. The stricken central lessons fired steam and pressure groups. First show of the nearly two hundred brave men who are known with limited possibilities to breathe tomorrow. Along with this global example of balance and peace in the soul of this whole nation to the accumulation of disasters. But Japan also has placed the biggest question the materialistic civilization of all time. We are one with these people safe, calm has been paid, now and then (1945), for such definitive lessons. Japan and the tsunamis and the damaged reactor, Japan and invisible clouds and unforeseen tragedy invite us to start over, to forget that until yesterday many patterns governing our destinations.

crucial debate before the type of energy, will require pre-and seriously ask the meaning of so much of that energy, so many products and services movements are useless to humans. After having removed the thousand and one things that can only alienate us, we just away from us / them as / as, once abandoned all expendable, go to the search for noble energies, close, friendly, simple, self-managed, sustainable ... Never again with these giant tombs apotheosis in her womb, those huge armored complex life threatening, never kill the enemy ghost wholesale, the deadly radioactivity is created, but not destroyed. No more sever what Nature, God, the Source ... the name is unimportant, it cohesive. The important thing is to conclude that there is a supreme wisdom inherent in all creation that invites us to hold together the ultimate body: the atom.

No, we have informed, who is without sin of unnecessary consumption, cast the first stone. No, we did not know, but now at the magnitude of the nuclear disaster, yes we've learned forever. Imputeth to turn off the power, turned key to all floors. Farewell to nuclear energy, but also "off" to the conception of life as things run consumption of goods assumptions that we only join in a deceitful mirage.

No, we did not know, but now that we see the precariousness of the earliest indisputable now collapsing security systems at the plants and prevailing thought in the media, has come now When nobody wanted, now thick with masks and costumes renewing the unequal battle against nothingness, now we address the urgent call of the elders, sages and prophets: "We must close all nuclear plants because they represent so-called Pandora's Box 'force atomic "we should never have opened" (Masaru Emoto from Tokyo), "The history of Japan has entered a new phase ... Recidivism is the worst betrayal to the memory of the victims." (Kenzaburo Oe)

sun We want the smooth, timely and in this latent looming spring. We want his touch on our faces, its power to illuminate these screens and heat to warm our bathrooms. We want the air and a thousand mills and returns that encourage and renew the life of rural communities and eco-villages from the hills. We wave and scattered power in the arena, we want to play with them, challenge them when they explode, immersed in renewed fury. The friends also want to encourage other vehicles, healthy, noble and small industry ...

big pain in the sister nation of the rising sun and its first rewards on learning and light. Tomorrow waves tiptoed forward, leave your messages without having to raid the coasts and truncate future. Translate indelible lessons in the sand not carry off everything. No need to vibrate and the earth again, so that humanity returns to the path of simplicity, the beautiful, the beautiful .


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