Monday, February 28, 2011

Penn State Wrestling License Plate



The first references were until recently the state of Bhutan, a country that began to seriously assess the technical and other indicators to measure "happiness index." Measuring the evolution and progress of their country with indicators related, in addition to economic development, educational, health, environmental sustainability, respect and care for the weakest and much more. It sounded good and somewhat exotic located in a small Buddhist country. He seemed more serious when the British government of Tony Blair, who did many good things but all of them thrown overboard with their participation the war in Iraq, began studying the incorporation of such criteria in the assessment of his country. Today, many more states they are valued, including Spain, and even the conservative European Union has just published a well-supported in this regard. It seems to run well.

Today we can clearly see with new data that the situation of a country should be measured with new look.
days we have seen the official confirmation of news that we knew from August:
China's economy is already the world's second largest, behind only the United States, modifying a podium in force since 1968. China has overtaken Japan. However, in terms of GDP per capita, expressed another reality quite different: according to the IMF, China's amounted to $ 4,283 in 2010, ranks 95 in world rankings, compared with $ 42,325 in Japan, ten times higher than in China. It is a milestone for China, but extremely distorting. China has overtaken Japan in just over 400 million dollars in gross value of GDP.

Figures: China's GDP is 4.4 trillion of gross value against the Japanese 4 billion. It seems clear: China overtakes Japan. The per capita income of Japan is ten times higher than a Chinese!. China's population in turn is 10 times numerically superior to the Japanese. A country is richer than another, but its citizens are 10 times poorer.

I think it is a good example to value. If you also include other values \u200b\u200bsuch as freedom, democracy, respect for human rights and many others, prefer to be Japanese, but the truth is that I like more yet to be English.

We must assess the situation of a country with different eyes, with other values \u200b\u200bthan purely economic criteria. Why change a society to a more social model where people are, could not be otherwise, the central axis; required to measure and assess another person. Politics in the Excel worksheet.


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