Pontevedra will, without doubt, an excellent setting to host the next 2011 European Championship Triathlon. We're not wrong if we say that the proof of the last day 12 was a real luxury and organizing circuits.
participated in the women BeaT, Susan and Sharon, and the transition area was undoubtedly the first pleasant surprise of the day. It is nonsense!, But everyone will look forward to see your name labeled "large", to leave his post Bike ...
Tenreiro, Coto and Calderon enjoyed a great time at Pontevedra and it showed in the Final classification: second, sixth and thirteenth overall, having obtained this way, the pass opens up the possibility of competing in the Championship of Spain triathlon elite category.
BeaT If the progression continues as usual, give us a great time the remainder of the season. Seventh at the end of the swim, bike partial excellent career and put her in second place behind Cristina Azanza, winner of the race. Susan also could move up to sixth place thanks to the comeback in a very good bike and run, which ran through the old town of Pontevedra, surrounded by people who encouraged all participants. In the end, second team and eager to repeat next year.
As for the guys, elite status was Bertino the first team to finish the race in fifth place, followed by Garrett (17 º), Nacho (25 º) Barroso (35 º), Ruben (45 º) and Pastur (48 º). GE participated in Jorge Fernandez 'Rocket' (19 º of its group), Luis Alvarez 'Sailfish' (29 º) and Jaime Martinez (1 º). Team, third.
We do not want to forget for a newcomer, Ana Joaquina, which unfortunately could not finish the race after a fall, and we want to improve quickly.
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